There is no one definitive way to bring people back to the office. After 3 years and designing/furnishing places for over 300+ companies, Cultura brings you the Ultimate Guide to the 6 essential criteria to incorporate and follow in your Return to Office strategy. Failure to do each of these will result in a sub par return to the office. Company size is irrelevant as these steps apply to companies from 3 employees to 140,000 employees.
Companies with Successful Comeback Strategies Do These 6 Things:
Leadership, at all levels, must be present in the office to lead by example. This means everyone, not just the top executives. By demonstrating a shared commitment to the return, leaders at all levels can help to establish a culture of accountability, motivate employees, and drive success for the company.
Taking the time to listen to everyone is essential since returning to the office can be perceived as a loss of a benefit, similar to eliminating health insurance, and affects people differently in aspects such as attire and commute, making it feel as challenging as herding cats.
It is normal to start an initiative only to have it stop. There can be outbreaks, office relocations, and resignations; some may only return to work with masks while others may refuse to come back if masks are required – it’s a challenging and unpredictable journey that requires perseverance and resilience.
The philosophy of “I trust you until I don’t” can change abruptly, and not everyone is equipped to handle conflict and resolution when trust is breached. Managing remote work, bringing people back to the office that are against it, and questioning work ethic all come into play. You have to address what the new rules are and how are you leading them.
In every organization, there are change agents who are not in leadership or management roles and may not necessarily lead people, yet it is perceived that they know “what’s going on” and are sought out for “real” answers. Engaging this group in your return is crucial, as they hold great influence and will bring over 50% of the individuals with them.
Your office performance is a hugely important tool you should use to accomplish your initiative and support a positive internal culture. Temperature, ergonomics, snacks, amenities, and social merriment all matter. Pizza and beer will not bring them back alone – you have to have it all.
If your return has stalled, look to these 6 things to identify where the breakdown may be. They are your keys to unlocking success. What to talk more in depth?